"The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon" ran episode 2 of chapter 9 tonight at 6:30 PM Eastern time on Blog Talk Radio https://www.blogtalkradio.com/wetheaftershow/2021/12/03/chapter-9-episode-2
This episode's topic/guest = Brigid Johnson
True Course–Lessons of a Life Aloft by Brigid Johnson
5 Stars
An Amazing Story!!!
Johnson pens a wonderfully told memoir in True Course–Lessons of a Life Aloft. I have read work from this author before, and I really enjoyed it. This book not only tells the story of when Brigid learned to fly, but how she got there, and the struggles and strength she had to reach that goal. The author details what she refers to as destiny and to gain her airline career as a pilot. Life changed her trajectory and she grew with grand spirit, and life living. She writes so passionately about her life, and it's not a mystery that this book is a great story. Nothing better than an adventurous life and living it one moment at a time with life and humor. An amazing story! True Course–Lessons of a Life Aloft is a definite recommendation by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews. I look forward to reading more titles by this author.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to catch us on our next episode. We are airing EVERY Friday now, and our second podcast, After The After Show, follows at 7:00 PM.
McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon