"The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon" ran episode 8 of chapter 9 tonight at 6:30 PM Eastern time on Blog Talk Radio https://www.blogtalkradio.com/wetheaftershow/2022/01/14/chapter-9-episode-8
The Literary Dynamic Duo discussed: Fractured Tears by Amy Shannon (and discussion about domestic violence).
About Fractured Tears: A Struggle for Justice
Anna Coleman gave her husband one more chance for them to work on fixing what was wrong with their marriage. Ted Coleman used that chance to try to kill her. Anna didn’t give up or give in, she fought to survive, and she fought for justice, as it became a personal struggle. All she wanted was for the justice system to properly punish Ted for what he did to her, and it took a lot of strength, perseverance, and support.
Read how Anna struggles to fight for justice, and deal with her personal issues from having been betrayed and abused by her husband of 13 years.
This is a fictionalized version of the real-life events of the Author.
No one ever truly knows how strong they are until a tragedy hits them unexpectedly.
This is Anna’s story.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to catch us on our next episode. We air EVERY Friday now, and our second podcast, After The After Show, follows at 7:00 PM.
McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon