"The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon" ran episode 5 of chapter 7 tonight at 6:30 PM Eastern time on Blog Talk Radio https://www.blogtalkradio.com/wetheaftershow/2021/06/25/chapter-7-episode-5
Tonight's guest was Author Andrew Davie.
Davie's book, Land of Allusions will be released on June 29, 2021. Andrew shared his own personal story and excerpts from his book. The book was reviewed by Amy's Bookshelf Reviews, and will be released when the book is released on June 29 2021. Andrew has a grand history and when he tells his story, it makes the book come to life.
Andrew's book can be preordered on Amazon. Andrew's book is also part of our company, Genesis Book Promotions & Blog Tours, blog tour from June 25 to June 29th.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to catch us on our next episode. We are airing EVERY Friday now, and our second podcast, After The After Show, follows at 7:00 PM.
McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon