"The After Show with McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon" ran episode 6 of chapter 6 tonight at 6:30 PM Eastern time on Blog Talk Radio ( https://www.blogtalkradio.com/wetheaftershow ).
The After Show celebrated March's Women's History Month, and the concluding March podcast was about Sojourner Truth.
Sojourner Truth was born Isabella Baumfree, but later in life, after she became a preacher, she changed her name. Isabella was born into slavery in 1797, and was bought and sold at least four times before she was able to be free. She was a slave in New York and was inherited from father to son. Before she became an abolitionist, she married a fellow slave and had several children. She suffered the miseries of being sold (sometimes for cattle), and the cruelty of abuse and mistreatment. Her own child was sold illegally.
Her "Ain't I a woman" speech is a powerful speech, and should be read by many. The After Show recommends reading her autobiography and even look to other inspiring people in history. Maybe that will remind the hate around us to move forward to equality and not inferiority.
Thanks for listening and don't forget to catch us on our next episode, which will be the Friday after Easter.
McKensie Stewart and Amy Shannon